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The Herald USA is a monthly magazine finespun by Manhattan’s Honest Foundation for the 400 hundred. The Four Hundred are Manhattan’s upper crust of the upper class. We define upper crust by old money families on the Island and not by age or the millions they own .
The Herald USA is an exclusive piece of publication thought up by our board President Pranay Patil & our think tank Charlene Smith. We do not mean to differentiate or discriminate between individuals but bring articles and news befitting the 400 of our society.
The reason is that almost all other publications target the middle class & the borough population to increase their sales targets. We on the other hand believe in delivering quality above quantity. We abide by our select few exclusive clients who have signed up for our subscriptions & will print in exact numbers . Exclusivity is primary for The Herald USA. These editions will not be available for public sale unless the individual purchasing is verified by our board of governors.
As you are reading this brief by me , Please understand and respect the code of our publication & refrain from distributing it to others unless permitted by us. Once you are done with this magazine please do not dispose or discard it at the hands of your help. It’s exclusively for yours & your family’s eyes only . Once done please have your person call us and we will be at your doorstep to collect your used magazine. We will then dispose it in a strictly sub-rosa fashion.
Thank you for your subscription to Manhattan’s most exclusive magazine for the exclusive 400 .
We wish you abundant joy reading our articles.